Educational Institutions Management System
We have developed an integrated solution for complete computerization for educational institutions, build on the most futuristic and highly sophisticated " environment, denoted as E I M S - Educational Institutes Management System is Multilingual ERP Software. The solution has been implemented in many prominent and reputed educational institutions of all levels from multi-branch Nursery Schools, Graded Schools to Colleges of the country. Since, this an Integrated, user configurable and dynamic software solution, it help institutions to get the wide range detailed and summarized information of Administrative and Academic nature, in different forms required at different level of the Organizational hierarchy and for other interested parties like Students, Parents and other Organizations. Educational Institute Management System (EIMS )is best software for schools, Colleges, Institutes, Engineering Colleges, management
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is a customizable software that suits for a variety of educational institutions including:-
- Schools
- Universities
- Online Schools
- Colleges
- Training Centers
- Group of Institutions
School Management
School management software introduced to simplify the complexities faced in daily school operations. Within no time, has reached people and now it is been used by some of educational institutions all over the globe for all management, administration and education related activities. Use to effectively manage processes and operations related to teachers, students, courses, employees and soon.
- Residential Type Institutes
- Non Residential Type Institutes
1.Admission Management:-
It facilitates the user in managing all admission related activities like student admission, fee collection, seat allocation, cancelling the admission, issue of transfer certificate etc.
- Registration Entry.
- Admission Entry.
- Enrollment no.
- assignment.
- Roll no.
- Open Elective assignment.
2.Parent Management:-
It assists you in managing all parent concerned activities. You can generate reports regarding parent-student meeting, send mails about student performances and meeting schedules.
3.Exam Management:-
Generate exam schedules within few minutes. You can make an entry or generate reports on exams conducted and send results to students and parents using this feature.
Key Features:
- Class wise Exam Scheme Definition.
- Creation of Type of Exam like viva, Practical or theoretical or combination.
- Defining and Grading Pattern.
- Test, Midterm and final Exam marks entry by the teacher or the administrative staff.
- Mark sheet/Grade Card and Tabular register, certificate printing.
4.Attendence Management:-
A unique feature that allows you to track student's and staff/teachers attendance. You can generate student-wise/class-wise /group-wise reports and faculty/staff-wise reports also.
Key Features:
- Creation of ID Cards for Student/Staff.
- Manual & Automatic Attendance capture with RFID Based Smart Card.
- Auto SMS Feature of absent student to his/her parent & respective staff
- Monthly Summary SMS of attendance to parent and to staff
- Student-Register
- Student-Card
- Current Students List.
- Student Attendence Report
5.Hostel Management:-
Hostel Management System monitors and records a variety of information covering Hostel Attendance, Disciplinary Logs, as well as Room charge Status. Hostel management software
Hostel software module includes many features like fee collection, room allotment, room management as categorization of rooms, daily attendance register of hostel and hostel reports.
Hostel management system module includes many reports like room allotment register, room left report, charge due reports and receipts, room transfer register and room status report.
Key Features:
- Fee Collection.
- Room Allotment.
- Room Management as Categorization of Rooms.
- Daily Attendance Register of Hostel.
- Hostel Reports, etc.
6.Mess-Canteen Management:-
Mess - canteen management software module includes many features like Item BOM management, Attendance & member leave entries, Mess menu creation, Consumption Records, Purchase entries, Stock adjustment and Sales entry in canteen module. Mess - canteen management software
As the name specifies Mess/ Canteen Management is a module developed for taking care of the entire management of mess including the stock details, students payments, vendors specifications and details, mess joining, discontinuation, billing etc.
Reducing the staff & paper works, this hostel module keeps the all updated records of students, their meal, breakfast, demands and other necessary things.
Key Features:
- Go down Master.
- Item BOM management.
- Attendance & member leave entries.
- Mess menu creation.
- Purchase entries, Stock adjustment.
7.Extra Curricular Activities
There are many high schools out there today that provide a plethora of extracurricular activities. Some occur before school, some after school, and a few may even take place on the weekends. While some parents are a bit dubious about their children participating in extracurricular activities, these activities actually bring with them many benefits. Allowing your child to get involved in extracurricular activities at school is a wise choice, and it can be very important in helping them to develop many working skills, people skills, and more. Of course, while a few activities is a great idea, there is a point where you need to draw a line. Here is a closer look at some of the benefits of extracurricular activities for your child, and how you can know when these activities become too much.
The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities
If you aren't sure whether or not you should let your high school student get involved in extracurricular activities, you definitely need to consider all the benefits that come along with these activities. Here is a look at just a few benefits your teen will enjoy if you allow them to get involved with these activities.
Benefit #1 – Learning Time Management and Prioritizing
– One great benefit of your teen being involved in extracurricular activities is that they will learn about time management and prioritizing things in their life. As adults we get very used to juggling a variety of different tasks and commitments. Our teens need to learn how to do this as well, and getting involved in these activities can give them some practice at it.
Benefit #2 – Getting Involved in Diverse Interests – Getting involved in extracurricular activities also allows students to get involved in diverse interests. It is important for your teen to be very diverse in their interests. These activities allow them to explore various interests that they may have.
Benefit #3 – Learning About Long Term Commitments
– Teens learn about long term commitments when they are involved in extracurricular activities as well, which is another excellent benefit. When the join one of the activities or clubs, they commit themselves to that activity for a period of time. If they don't hold up to their end of the deal, no doubt they'll hear about it from their peers and perhaps even teachers. Learning to take on commitments is important, and these activities can teach your child this important lesson.
Benefit #4 – Making a Contribution – Extracurricular activities allow your child to make a contribution in some way. It shows that they are getting away from just thinking about themselves and contributing to something else. This is important in their growth as a person.
Benefit #5 – Raises Self Esteem – Many times, being involved in extracurricular activities helps to raise the self esteem of teens. There are many teens that feel worthless or that there is nothing they are good at. Teens struggle with self esteem, and these activities are a way that they can build self esteem. Everyone wants to find something that they are really good at, and extracurricular activities provide them with a way that they can get involved in something and really shine, giving their self esteem a boost.
Benefit #6 – Building Solid Relationship Skills – Your teen will have the benefit of building solid relationship skills as well when they get involved in extracurricular activities. Teens need to get involved in social activities and learn how to appropriate act in social situations and these activities give them a chance outside of school to do this, while they are still being supervised by adults.
Benefit #7 – Looks Great on College Applications
– Yet another benefit of allowing your teen to get involved in extracurricular activities is that it looks great on college applications. Most colleges not only look at grades, but they take a look at extracurricular activities that students are involved in while they are in high school. They want to see that students are getting out there and doing more than just book work. The activities that teens are involved in reveal a lot about them, and definitely will say something to the college admissions committees.
Student Management
Assists in supervising all student activities and their performance. Either class-wise/ individual student reports can be generated, with an option to trace a specific name/roll number.
Staff Management
Helps in managing all teacher-related activities like 'allotment of classes', 'salary payment', 'class-allotment',' leave calculation', students-parent meetings and many more.
Accounting Solution
It is a highly transparent system which gifts you supreme control over accounting processes. Just few clicks are enough to view all financial reports (fee paid, salary credited to teachers/staff etc.
Fee Management
Gives control over fee concerned tasks. Generates accurate and transparent reports of fee management tasks like 'fee collection', 'discount offered', 'due report's and' paid report's etc.
Key Features:
- Generate refund entry list and demand for scholarship.
- Adjustment of Scholarship.
- SMS Feature for Fees due date, paid and outstanding fee amount.
- View the status of Fees Paid & outstanding dues of Parents/Students/Teachers.
- Fee Collection - Full/Partial on-line or though bank with the carry on facility and discount and advance adjustment.
Payroll Management
Keep track of everything related to payrolls. By making use of this facility in TechnoSchools you can generate pay-slips and reports on salaries paid/unpaid, TDS, PFs etc.
Transportation Management
A complete solution for your transportation system. Tracks details of routes, trips, fee received and in due etc. Records fuel and related expenditures either on fortnight or monthly basis.
Key Features:
- Fleet management.
- Driver log.
- Bus maintenance Report.
- Transport wise student report.
- Route Sheet.
- Vehicle gate Entry.
- Vehicle Route Allotment.
Inventory Management
This module helps the school to maintain its stock and their quantity as per the need. A user can keep their purchase details safely and it also helps in defining stationary stock level. Apart from that, the software also gives an indication as in when to order the new stock.
Key Features:
- The Inventory module deals with all sundry purchases, issuance of items and maintenance of stock availability.
- Purchase order generation with complete details.
- Complete in ware and out ware stock summary.
- Any level of grouping and item classification categories wise.
- Number of configurable units of measurement and conversion.
- Purchases and Purchase returns can be made with purchase tax calculation
- Multiple supplier support.
- Supplier payments tracking & reflected in account payment voucher.
- Scraped item details can also be recorded.
- Item Sales / Issue details can be recorded.
- Stock adjustment can be made in case of invalid stock.
- Available Stock of items can be viewed.
- Details like Sales, Purchase, Stock adjustment and scrap can also be viewed.
Academic Management
Academic Management offers the robust functionality you need to manage the entire academic processes and student life cycle starting from course planning, student enrolment, and class registration to financial aid information and billing – providing a centralized data warehouse that gives you a single source of information to make well-informed financial and operational decisions in real time.
Key Features:
- Efficient Data Management Saves Times and Reduces Costs
- Ensure Accurate Information for Better Decisions
- Maximize Resource Allocation and Increase Productivity
- CPE Requirements
- Provide Better Student Services with Intergated Student Portal
- Cost-effective and Scalable System
- 3rd Party Hardware/Application Integration
Eaxm And Report Card Management
Entering marks of students and creating a report card is a very tedious and time consuming job and waste much of a time of teacher. In this software you just need to enter marks of students and you can easily generate the report card along with grade calculation according to the exam marking scheme.
Key Features:
- This module allows you to generate result of students for different examination and different types of exams during the year as oral, practical, written, etc.
- Manage the results of the school students and keep a record of results of the students throughout the year
- You can enter marks of the students and can automate the generation of the school report card.
- Generate report card along with allocated grade, based on grade calculation easily.
SMS And online Payment Integration
SMS management system makes communication with parents quick, easy and hassle free while saving yourself hours of time and bags of cash! Parent alert offers extensive SMS, IVRS and Auto Dialer service to schools and colleges. Using our unique SMS software, it is possible for the schools and colleges to communicate parents of students.
Key Features:
- Attendence of Students
- Fee Schedules
- Holiday Announcement
- Homework
- Exam/Test Result
- Meeting
- Exam Marks
- Exam Schedules
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